Here is what is included in this AMAZING special offer!

Unwrapping The Present Called You! Part 1 from 3 Call Telecall Series       VALUE: $100

You got lots of presents for Christmas, you gave lots of presents for Christmas, but the one thing you never gave you was YOU!

Join Gary M. Douglas, Founder of Access Consciousness, for this very special telecall series!

This class is about unlocking you, unlocking the place where you can actually show up as the gift you are because you know what? The world needs to have the gift called you.

Have you ever considered that you are a gift? Do you have any idea how amazing you are? Do you recognize that you are a contribution to the world?

What would it take to unlock you; to set you free? The world needs the gift of you. Would you do yourself a favor, would you do the world a favor and unwrap the magnificent and brilliant gift of YOU!!


"Taking part in these calls gave me an awareness that I could be a gift in every moment by getting out of my and Consciousness' way. It was a priceless present to receive."~ Cathie Harrison


THE PLACE, A Novel By Gary Douglas - MP3 Audio Book  VALUE: $20


As Jake Rayne travels through Idaho in his classic 57 Thunderbird, a devastating accident is the catalyst for a journey he is not expecting. Alone in the deep forest, with his body battered and broken, Jake calls out for help.

The help that finds him changes not only his life but his whole reality. Jake is opened up to the awareness of possibilities; possibilities that we have always known should be but have not yet shown up.

In this book you may find out what you have always been looking for, and how and where it may exist. ~ Gary Douglas

Audio version of "The Place" read by the author. What you have been seeking that you always knew was possible...


Distractor Implants Call 1 from 6 Part Telecall Series (Anger Rage Fury Hate)  VALUE: $150

Distractor Implants Call 1 from 6 Part Telecall Series (Anger Rage Fury Hate)  VALUE: $150

Is now the time to stop being distracted from creating the future you truly desire? Is now the time to be totally present and start living? Is now the time to change the way you function and to discover an ease of being you’ve never imagined possible?

When you find yourself in a situation that you don’t seem to be able to change, you may be stuck in a distractor implant. A distractor implant is designed to be triggered by the events of your life and to create distractions that keep you from being all that you can truly be and having the life you would truly like to have. They’re the reason we believe we have no choice in anything.

One of the biggest things that limit us and runs our lives are the DISTRACTOR IMPLANTS: Anger, Rage, Fury, Hate; Blame, Shame, Regret, Guilt; Addictive, Compulsive, Obsessive, Perverted Points of View; Love, Sex, Jealousy; Peace; Life, Death, Living, Reality; Fear, Doubt; Business and Relationship.

(Phew! Deep breath!)

Here comes the good news: This is one of the EASIEST things to change. Most people just haven't had the tools before.

These are the discussion and the tools to change all of this, brought to you by the founder of Access, Gary Douglas, and Dr. Dain Heer.

All of the distractor implants are replacing living! Living is an action and having a life is a completion.

During these calls you’ll get clarity on this beyond what has ever been possible before. Would that expand your life?

Here’s what participants are saying:

Being aware of the distractor implants has changed my reality and allowed me to have more energy than I knew was possible. The magnitude of the change and expansion that has been occurring in my life is phenomenal – beyond words. I am starting to recognize myself for the first time in my life ever.

BONUS: What If Call 1 from 6 Part Telecall Series    VALUE:$150


A free-form exploration with the founder of Access Consciousness, Gary M. Douglas, and Dr. Dain Heer

What if we could create a kinder, gentler, happier world?

What if you loved waking up every morning?

What if there were nothing wrong with you?

What if you’re not nearly as screwed up as you thought you were?

What if you’re far greater than you thought you were?

What if you’re secretly happy?

What if it’s time to know your greatness, the gift you are, and the contribution you are?

This is your invitation to step into something that Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Simone de Beauvoir, William Shakespeare, Gandhi, Galileo Galilei, Gertrude Stein and Aristotle all knew to be true…It is not about the answer. It is about being the question, always...

What if the world was not flat?

What if disease is not a punishment from God? (What if some of them are actually caused by miniature organisms that are too small to see with our eyes?)

What if gravity is what makes apples fall from trees? (And what if we could study it and learn from it and quantify it, even though we can’t see it?)

What if you really do change molecules by your interaction with them?

What if the change you've been looking for is right before your eyes?

Gary and Dain will show you how to be, know, perceive and receive the unreal and unbelievable reality and future that is actually possible to create now! It is here, at our fingertips, whispering in our ears… Are you ready to choose that?

What if the idea that you can change your life without suffering through it, isn't any weirder than the idea that a man with a beard created the world in six days and rested on the seventh?

What if the uncomfortableness that comes with difference could be fun?

What if the closed-minded people of the world no longer determined our world?

What if gratitude trumps judgment—every time?

What if your kindness healed the world?

What if the Earth is asking for your help?

What if you had the resources to give it?

What if the world doesn't function the way we've been told?

What if we can bend the laws of physical reality?

What if we can change limitation?

What if weird were the coolest thing you could be?

What if anyone who tells you it isn't has a fixed point of view and is judging you?

What if it’s time for a different reality?

What if you’re here to help create it?


Are you ready for an unreal, fantastic you? Are you ready to create an unbelievable, phenomenal world? Then you may want to consider joining this call. One thing is for sure, it will be nothing like anything you've ever experienced before.

BONUS: #3 of 6 Part Benevolent Capitalism Series with Gary Douglas and Steven & Chutisa Bowman


Creating A Sustainable Future

“...Functioning from generating a sustainable future from a generosity of spirit." - Gary Douglas

This MP3 is the third audio of the 6-Part ‘Benevolent Capitalism’ Google Hangout series with Gary Douglas and Steven & Chutisa Bowman.

  • TOTAL VALUE: $420 for only $97
  • Yes, Nilofer ! I want permanent access to Gary’s package at the value price






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