Do you experience any of these things in your life?
In this presentation, Allison takes you step by step through her 7 Step Accelerate Your Mojo (AYM) process, which has been successfully put into practice by her clients. She will teach you these proven and practical solutions that you can apply today to feel better immediately, and to accelerate into an abundant life of more ease, joy, and totally awesome results.
Do you suspect you are living your life “on hold� Is there a feeling deep inside you that there is more, much more, to life? Are you pursuing your bucket-list right now? Crafting the life of your dreams begins with BeliefSmithingSM
Emily will show you:
Limitations are just stories you made up to justify the outcome of some event and then you believed the stories to be true. What if they aren’t?
Imagine not needing an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning: Imagine excitement for your life and work having you jumping out of bed! Unfortunately, many people wake up dreading going to work and wishing for something different, without being sure of what they want or how to get it. In this presentation you will learn how you to transform your life, work, and business so you can have more joy and fulfillment in life. The Passion Test is known worldwide as the #1 process to align people with their purpose, passions and priorities, thereby enabling us to move through the invisible barriers that limit success, happiness and well-being.
The Passion Test is now transforming business as well, allowing companies to develop a powerful strategy based on key priorities for leaders, employees, customers, and overall company success. Today you will gain insight into the powerful principles of the Passion Test, and be inspired by the three keys that enable us to create whatever we choose to have in our lives: Intention - Attention - No Tension.
If you feel the desire to act with more passion and impact as a leader or entrepreneur, we invite you to awaken your inner sleeping beauty. Ignite and recover the unity of your feminine and masculine power, reclaiming the dynamic balance between the power of being (feminine – sensing the whole) and the power of doing (masculine – seeing the patterns). Explore a new mindset for liberation of creativity and authentic life as your foundation for global influence and impact.
The dynamic process between the spirit and the soul is the prerequisite for inspired manifestation. We invite you to an explorative journey towards a society of unity and free flow of creativity through connection to your universal mind. We welcome you to Universal Freedom Society!
Follow us through four stages to free flow of creativity:
The most fragile part of you is also where your greatest strength lies. Your weakness is in fact a gift in that it is an opportunity to develop courage. Once courage is gained and applied, you can never be weak in that area again. That which you struggle with is a diamond in the rough. Once you embrace your fragility with courage, heart, and passion, your rough diamond becomes multi-faceted, polished and beautiful. It is now a part of you that unleashes your personal power. You are set free and now equipped to help others refine their rough diamond into beauty and power as you have done.
Join Verna as she teaches about Living from a Place of Inspiration: 7 Pillars for Unleashing Creative Personal Power, addressing three core processes in conquering personal challenges:
Self-study workbook to support your personal growth
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