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About the Author

Robb Hill

Bestselling Author, Robb Hill, has written an illuminating new guide to overcoming the Great American Retirement Trap. With a casual yet authoritative writing voice, Hill illustrates the problems with our current retirement options and provides alternative financial strategies accessible to every worker and business owner.

A financial planner and investment advisor, he explains how the average American has ignored the cataclysmic shift in employment patterns over the last 20 years. The change from an industrial to an information society crucially effects how we structure retirement. Gone are the days of staying at one job and retiring at 65 with a fat pension. So why do we still expect corporate employers to take care of us in our old age?

According to the Social Security Administration, 94% of baby boomers are not prepared for
retirement. There are many reasons for this bleak statistic, but one solution: education. This
thoughtful and proactive guide answers many questions about retirement options. With topics like “The Broken Promise,” “How Savings Can Be Hijacked,” and “Who’s Left Holding the Bag,” author Robb Hill enlightens and empowers consumers to save themselves.

R Hill Enterprises Inc  2015