Learn the Art and Practice of
Family Constellations and become a practitioner
in an online/experiential composite course


Your trainer is Yildiz Sethi
Master counselling, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Supervisor,
Educator at Australian College of Applied Psychology (8 years)
20 years private practice.
15 years Family Constellations workshops and private sessions

In this composite online training there are 11 webinars and one live online experiential training component of 5 days with Yildiz.

Work at your own pace NOW with the webinars and take part in the online live experiential with information, worksheets and exercises.

You will recieve the course book kindle Rapid Core Healing.

For more information, see the following videos

A Must See

What Yildiz has to say about training

Free Webinar on Family Constellations training-
Healing from the Roots

Fiona A Social Worker

Jonathan A Nurse

Our Students come from all walks of life.

This is a course packed full of information and delivered in a structured way for easy learning. 

Worksheets and exercises

11 Webinars plus Rapid Core Healing Book

5 day online Experiential Learning

This is an online course of theory and experiential practice in person or online depending on whether face to face courses are viable due to Covid 19.
Buy the course now and make a note of the 5 day practice on 2-6 November dates 5 days 9-4pm. 
There are 11 webinars, download sheets and exercises. You will receive a copy of the course book Rapid Core Healing.
70 hours of Professional Development.

Join our growing constellation community

Start at your own pace as soon as your registration and payment comes through-Soon.

Get this Course and SOON!

Is this for You?

Learn how to work with groups with Systemic Constellations



Learn how to do Private Systemic Family Constellations Sessions

Complete the course

Get your insurance

Start to work

Special Prices

Family Constellations may stand alone as a powerful way to work. 

Before you go or book in, I would like to let you know of some 
Special offers.

I offer Systemic Family Constellations and also Emotional Mind Integration, Rapid Core Healing and Recovery from sexual abuse trainings.

Family Constellations for systemic or Emotional Mind integration for the personal (non-systemic) may each stand alone as powerful ways of working. 

However, Emotional Mind Integration is the perfect complimentary approach that fits Family Constellations like a glove in providing a speedy deep and effective way of working with non-systemic issues. Doing both gives you a complete and truly wholistic powerful and effective approach that will transform the way you work and delight your clients with speedy change and results for wide range of issues.
So be informed.
Look at the options to make sure you're not missing out on anything that you may later regret not signing up for.

You may join to do the Systemic Family Constellation training NOW 

OR see the Special offers below

where you may receive a 15% discount to do the following practitioner courses:

  1. Rapid Core Healing  
  2. Recovery From Sexual Abuse & Trauma


Dates of Live training 2021

Emotional Mind Integration           15-18 February 2021              

Family Constellations                     22-26 March 2021

Rapid Core Healing                       17-21 May 2021

Recovery From Sexual Abuse      17-21 December 2021





 Unusual Circumstances

  1. This is an composite online system.You may start the webinar components on purchase and complete it with the practical/experiential component with Yildiz Sethi
  2. The training is composed of 11 webinars, download sheets and exercises.
  3. You will receive a copy of the course book Rapid Core Healing.
  4. 11 webinars and a practical, experiential component.
  5. Buy the course now and make a note of the 5 day practice on the live zoom online dates 9-4pm. 
  6. You will receive your final certificate when you have completed all components and had your case studies approved.

70 hours of Professional Development.

Please read Cancellation policy and conditions for the Course.

No cancellation is possible once you have access to the full course online.

If you miss the practical components you will need to be complete this part in the next available course for completion.

You will receive your certificate when all components are completed and approved.


The training involves personal and professional growth, however it is primarily training and not personal therapy. It may result in intense emotional experiences, so for this reason becoming a trainee requires significant maturity, awareness and personal development.
While we make every effort to make sure that you are safe and secure at all times, participants are required to accept full responsibility for themselves  in terms of your emotional and psychological wellbeing.
It is your responsibility to seek personal assistance with a therapist if necessary during the course.
It is your responsibility to let us know of any physical or mental health issues you have. Feel free to contact us to discuss your suitability for the training prior to booking.

You can pay by Direct deposit or Paypal.

Make sure that if you use your debit/Eftpos that the payment does not exceed your daily limit(normal Eftpos is $1000 daily limit).
You will receive a registration form to be signed, completed and sent back to me ASAP. 
You will receive your link to the training program in normal business hours after payment and our receipt by email of the filled out and signed enrolment form. 



Direct Deposit

If paying by direct deposit please email me to let me know you which course you are enrolling into and that you have made the payment.

You will receive a registration form by email to be signed, completed and emailed back to me ASAP. 

You will receive your link to the training program in normal business hours once I have received payment and the filled out and signed enrolment form. 

Sorry I can’t take payment plans in the online course programs.

For Mental Health, Relationships, Personal development and generational sexual abuse and trauma.


Exceptional Value:

We've expanded this Course to 11 Webinars plus 5 days of experiential practice -

You receive a comprehensive course, packed with information delivered in a structured way for easy learning. 


Sign up right NOW and access your Systemic Family Constellation course once registration is complete!



Make sure you check your Spam Folder,
Make sure you pick up the confirmation email if it goes to junk/spam and mark it NOT Spam to receive the follow up instructions!

Systemic Family Constellations online Course.
Start now with your webinars and be present for the live online experiential on  
22-26 March 2021 dates 5 days 9.-4.pm

Put these essential dates in your diary


 $4900.00 Early Bird up to 22/01/21 $3937.00 AUD


Don't miss out on this great opportunity. Get Access Now!

You may pay by credit card,direct deposit or by Paypal Here

fill out and return the registration form and receive the link ASAP to the course in normal business hours, (see conditions below)

In business hours

Credit card.

Call me  +61412172300 to make the payment. I'll send you the registration form and when I receive it back by email yildiz@familyconstellations.com.au you will gain access ASAP in normal business hours. 

Direct Deposit,

Make the payment to 
Family Constellations BSB 124 012 Account 23036608. 

let me know you have completed the payment and when it appears in my account I will send you a registration form by email yildiz@familyconstellations.com.au. Complete and sign it and when I receive it by email you will gain access in normal business hours.

Family Constellations 2020 Contact: Tel +61 412172300