Want to Write a Book? | Have a 'rough' Idea? | Don't know where to Start?

Pitch Your Book IDEA in this Online Mastermind and get hugely valuable Feedback from the Expert!



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FRIDAY 2.August 2024 - 7am to 9am Brisbane, Australia = AEST/GMT+10

This is the best Time if you are in:

PDT Vancouver, CA – Thursday 1.August

MDT Mountain Daylight - Thursday 1.August

CDT Central Daylight - Thursday 1.August

EDT Boston, MA – Thursday 1.August

Times vary depending on summer/winter please check YOUR time HERE

Why is there a charge and why Only US$30?
These Masterminds are facilitated to bring people and ideas together, demystify the many book writing, book publishing and book marketing myths and misconceptions and have you achieve the success with your book that you deserve!

I charge a small fee as it illustrates an exchange of energy, which brings the right feel into the online room with the right people.

Click to Pay & Register

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The email will go to the email address you use for your PayPal account. We do NOT sell or otherwise pass on your email - you are registering to receive your link to our Webinar. If we send you follow up emails you have the option to un-subscribe in every email footer - not that we want you to! ...but should it ever get more than you like, you are in control!

Here is what participants are saying about this Mastermind:

"Thank you for today, much appreciated!

What an inspiring time spent with Sigrid, she really gave me such clear insight on what I really needed to look at in writing a book, it certainly opened my mind and gave me new ideas. Her steps and explanations  to take were clear, it took the overwhelm out of putting a book together.
If you are looking for someone who is highly successful and has the expertise you need, look no further than Sigrid."
Tebeth Shukura Hamon


"Dear Sigrid,
thank you so much for the highly informative webinar. I already published a book and wish, I had known your method and the important questions to ask beforehand. It makes the process so much smoother and certainly more successful.

What a treat to have the webinar as a live event where I could ask you questions about my planned book!

You impressed me profoundly with the ease you answered my questions - questions I had been mulling over for months. Not only the answers about book publishing but also about establishing authority in my home country, where this method is rather unknown, were very much on point.

Again, thank you so much! "


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