Balancing Life and Work, LLC

Dr Norm and Barbara Dawson

Dr. Norm & Barbara Dawson

Vitamin D

The Sunshine Vitamin
Help for bones, teeth, muscles, lungs, nervous, and cardivascular system... 

Some research shows that at least 2,000 genes, or nearly 10% of our genes, have been identified that are directly influenced by vitamin D.  What else can this vitamin that functions very much like a hormone do?

Vitamin D SunshineVitamin D is an essential component of bone health in both children and adults. Without vitamin D, bones do not calcify properly, leading to the condition known as "rickets." Vitamin D is also necessary for proper tooth eruption, growth, and strength. Vitamin D plays a continuing role in maintaining a stable nervous system, normal heart activity, and normal blood clotting.

Its target tissues include the kidneys, intestines, and bones, where it helps regulate calcium. Its specific activity in the intestines involves absorption of calcium. In bone tissue, vitamin D plays a role in regulating calcium deposition (bone mineralization) and mobilization. USANA’s vitamin D includes vitamin K to make sure calcium builds up in the bones and not in the soft tissues.

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Vitamin D

ITEM #109

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'These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,or prevent any disease.

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