Exceptional health ... starts with a building a strong foundation. In a home that foundation demands structural support and setting everything up so the home functions at its best. Our bodies are no different. When building good health, there are four cornerstones to good health.Â
When searching for the best MultiVitamin, Mineral and AntiOxidant combination we were overwhelmed by all the choices on the shelves, on the web and even the recommendations of other people. Putting together a list of the requirements for our good health with Micro-nutrition started with bioavailabiliity, quality manufacturing, completeness and optimal levels of micronutrients.Â
We found a well-rounded multivitamin/mineral supplement which contains a broad range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work together for optimal cellular performance. The micronutrients benefit nearly all the body systems, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, skeletal system, as well as brain and nerve function. These products surpass virtually every competitor for completeness, potency and quality.
In the first video, Dr. Norm and Barbara Dawson share their experience with Essentialsâ„¢ and why they believe it's the best nutritional supplement you can buy for maintaining health.
In a second video Barbara Dawson shares a story that might not immediately come to mind - how proper cellular micronutrition can help you maintain a healthy digestive system.
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In the olden days, many of us heard stories of mothers forcing Cod Liver Oil down their kids throats. It has historically been given to children because of the high content of vitamin D because vitamin D has been shown to prevent rickets and other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Â
Recent research on the cell shows that there is a bilayer of fats that act as a gatekeeper … keeping unwanted substances out of the cell and letting the right ingredients in. In scientific terms this is bioavailable. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in fish oil play a significant role in maintaining our good health at the most basic level … the cell!
We need a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 levels to support joint health, skin health and neural health; however, the average diet contains more omega-6s. BiOmega™ is a concentrated omega-3 fatty acid supplement that helps maintain balance.
Help for bones, teeth, muscles, lungs, nervous system, cardiovascular health …
Some research shows that at least 2,000 genes, or nearly 10% of our genes, have been identified that are directly influenced by vitamin D. that else can this vitamin that functions very much like a hormone do?
Vitamin D is an essential component of bone health in both children and adults. Without vitamin D, bones do not calcify properly, leading to the condition known as "rickets." Vitamin D is also necessary for proper tooth eruption, growth, and strength. Vitamin D plays a continuing role in maintaining a stable nervous system, normal heart activity, and normal blood clotting.
Your gut is host to beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria. Age, stress, illness, antibiotics and/or certain medicines, poor diet and hydration, lack of rest, and harmful environmental conditions may endanger the fine balance that is needed to support the normal intestinal flora. This imbalance can result in the reduction of beneficial bacteria in the gut which can lead to digestive concerns that may not only be physically uncomfortable but also possibly harmful to your health. Research suggests that friendly probiotics, play a role in sustaining healthy immune functions. More immune cells are concentrated in the gut than in any other region of the body.
A healthy digestive system greatly reduces the likelihood of physical discomfort from gas, constipation, bloating, or occasional diarrhea, and it also facilitates consistent waste elimination from the body.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations defines probiotics as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.â€
Exceptional health ... starts with a building a strong foundation. In a home that foundation demands structural support and setting everything up so the home functions at its best. Our bodies are no different. When building good health, there are four cornerstones to good health.Â
When searching for the best MultiVitamin, Mineral and AntiOxidant combination we were overwhelmed by all the choices on the shelves, on the web and even the recommendations of other people. Putting together a list of the requirements for our good health with Micro-nutrition started with bioavailabiliity, quality manufacturing, completeness and optimal levels of micronutrients.Â
We found a well-rounded multivitamin/mineral supplement which contains a broad range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work together for optimal cellular performance. The micronutrients benefit nearly all the body systems, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, skeletal system, as well as brain and nerve function. These products surpass virtually every competitor for completeness, potency and quality.
In the first video, Dr. Norm and Barbara Dawson share their experience with Essentialsâ„¢ and why they believe it's the best nutritional supplement you can buy for maintaining health.
In a second video Barbara Dawson shares a story that might not immediately come to mind - how proper cellular micronutrition can help you maintain a healthy digestive system.
When we think of the pancreas, most of us think about the work it does releasing hormones like insulin and glucagon which regulate the levels of sugar in the blood.  Â
The pancreas also excretes enzymes to help break down the foods we eat, primarily proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Eating a varied, healthy diet usually provides us with additional enzymes to supplement those naturally made by the body.
Without a sufficient amount of functioning enzymes in our body, which may come with age or food sensitivities, good digestive health may be impaired, which can lead to indigestion and a reduction in the amount of nutrients we are able to absorb from our foods. Many researchers over the last century have maintained that a loss of digestive enzymes may be a significant contributing factor to poor health as we age.
Your gut is host to beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria. Age, stress, illness, antibiotics and/or certain medicines, poor diet and hydration, lack of rest, and harmful environmental conditions may endanger the fine balance that is needed to support the normal intestinal flora. This imbalance can result in the reduction of beneficial bacteria in the gut which can lead to digestive concerns that may not only be physically uncomfortable but also possibly harmful to your health. Research suggests that friendly probiotics, play a role in sustaining healthy immune functions. More immune cells are concentrated in the gut than in any other region of the body.
A healthy digestive system greatly reduces the likelihood of physical discomfort from gas, constipation, bloating, or occasional diarrhea, and it also facilitates consistent waste elimination from the body.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations defines probiotics as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.â€
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The FDA states that low-fat diets, rich in fiber-containing grain products, fruits, and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer. Fiber does way more than just keep you regular. The rough stuff can also help lower cholesterol, keep your blood sugar stable, make it easier to lose weight,, and even help keep you alive longer. As a result, diets high in soluble and insoluble fiber are important for not only digestive health, but overall health as well.
We use a fiber product, USANA Fibergy® Plus, that is cholesterol free, fat free, low in sodium which contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Oner serving of this fiber product accounts for almost half of the daily recommended value of dietary fiber. Â
Almost everything you put into your mouth — from food, drinks, medications, and supplements — goes through your liver. In the liver they are broken down into a form that can be used by your body or filtered out and eliminated. An unstable liver that isn’t functioning optimally may result in a build up of toxins in your system that can cause a wide variety of long-term health issues.
USANA Hepasil DTX ™ delivers a comprehensive array of phenolic compounds that exhibit antioxidant properties which provide comprehensive support for the liver and can help significantly increase natural glutathione production and overall antioxidant capacity. This supplement is also patent pending because it safely combines two previously incompatible liver-supporting nutrients into one bi-layer tablet. Â
'These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,or prevent any disease.
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