Balancing Life and Work, LLC

Dr Norm and Barbara Dawson

Dr. Norm & Barbara Dawson


MultiVitamins, Minerals, & AntiOxidants

Exceptional health ...

starts with a building a strong foundation.  In a home that foundation demands structural support and setting everything up so the home functions at its best.  Our bodies are no different. When building good health, there are four cornerstones to good health. 

  1. The quality  and amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fiber (macro-nutrition)
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Water & Rest   
  4. Micro-nutrition

When searching for the best MultiVitamin, Mineral and AntiOxidant combination we were overwhelmed by all the choices on the shelves, on the web and even the recommendations of other people.  Putting together a list of the requirements for our good health with Micro-nutrition started with:

  • Bioavailable:  We can get calcium from the sidewalk!  We wanted assurance that the ingredients in the tablets we consumed would 1) dissolve 2) be absorbed into the blood system and 3) be in a form that the cells could take up and use for metabolism. 
  • Manufacturing:  We wanted a product that we could be sure contained what was on the label was in the bottle. 
  • Completeness:  the product we looked for included all the essential vitamins & minerals that experts in nutrition recommended. 
  • Optimal Levels:  the RDA or DV amounts were established in the 1940s so that our Service men and women would not get vitamin deficiencies.  Because we did not know anyone with Scurvy, Beriberi or Pellagra, we knew that the minimum daily allowances were not enough. We wanted amounts of all ingredients to be what current research shows is ideal for staving off degenerative disease. 

We found a well-rounded multivitamin/mineral supplement which contains a broad range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that work together for optimal cellular performance.  The USANA flagship, award-winning nutritional supplement Essentials™ contains 56 of the necessary nutrients your body's cells can use. These micronutrients benefit nearly all the body systems, including the cardiovascular system, immune system, skeletal system, as well as brain and nerve function.  

Formulated to not only prevent deficiency diseases, the Essentials™ provide the necessary micronutrients to retain optimal health and energy levels that everyone, at every age, needs every day. The Essentials™ also contain trace minerals, mixed carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and other phytochemicals and antioxidants to provide a full arsenal of compounds to help protect against daily exposure to free radicals. 

The Essentialsâ„¢ multivitamin, minerals and antioxidants supplement surpasses virtually every competitor for completeness, potency and quality.

Read About It:
Detailed Product Information

Chelated Minerals - #102

Included with ITEM #101, or sold separately as ITEM #102


Mega Anti Oxidant

Included with ITEM #101, or sold separately as ITEM #103


Health Pak

ITEM #100

Ask the Scientists to learn more

How to Buy ...

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Then choose Nutrionals, then Essentals from the left-hand navigation menu


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'These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,or prevent any disease.

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Independent USANA Associate